The Holiday Quandary

As Easter nears I’m stuck in the same place I find myself with every holiday. Things get busy, whether it be at the kids’ school or at home, and a day I would normally spend catching up on housework or working on my writing is now filled with activities. This is a good problem to have because it means I am not a hermit sitting in my shack, but it always gives me a feeling that I am skipping something or letting something slide.

When I’m already having a hard time fitting everything in my life, is it okay to skip on holidays? Stephen King reportedly writes everyday, even holidays. Is that part of his success? On the other hand I look at people in my job who never takeĀ vacations and continue to wear themselves down without becoming more successful. I think taking time off is good for you. At the same time, one hour is not very long and it is probably easier to fit it in a day when I am not working. I’m going to try to keep to my writing hour tonight and on Easter because that is 2 hours closer to my goals.

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Filed under April 2011

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